Liang Chen of Keen Lab has posted a photo on Twitter confirming that he has managed to jailbreak an iPhone XS Max running iOS 12.1. This is the first known jailbreak iOS 12.1.1 | iOS 12.1.2 running on an iPhone XS Max. iPhone XS Max review: Apple's supersized smartphone. Before you get your hopes too high, Leen Lab is not known for releasing its iOS 12.1.1 jailbreak to the public so don’t expect a public iOS 12.1.1 Cydia Install anytime soon. They will probably sell their jailbreak to the highest bidder or a private company for millions of dollars. And Apple’s top of the line smartphone has been supersized in both screen size and price, but is the iPhone XS Max really worth the eye-watering £1,099-plus asking price? iOS 12.1.1 jailbreak Download Mac iOS 12.1.1 jailbreak Download Windows Jailbreak iOS 12.1.1 Its massive screen is beautiful but has it lost some of the charms that made the iPhone X so good. While jailbreak fans will be disappointed that Keen Lab will ...